Monday, October 17, 2011


Like usual, I woke up, took a bath, go to school, have my class, break, class, class, class, lunch, class, class, dismissal.
We had our Basketball Competition today which made me sweat and shout and laugh a lot. First, we competed with Simplicity, then we won. Second, we competed with Piety and we won again which made us super happy. Third, we competed with P5(idk what class) and we won again. And the P5 supporters are sooo annoying. They shout BOO-YOU whenever you can't shoot the ball to the ring. Which made me laugh loudly to their faces whenever they can't shoot the ball to the ring. REVENGE. mwahaha. Sorry P5s. But BTW, we're the CHAMPION. 
and btw, it's almost Halloween. It's not fun in Indonesia when it comes to Halloween. There will be no Trick or Treat, unlike in other countries, Halloween is the best celebration. But in Indonesia, there's nothing to be proud of. (i dont mean to tease or offend INDONESIA)

Okay then.
I hope this halloween will be better
love, cynthianilovesbasketball

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