Friday, October 7, 2011


I was editing pictures when suddenly everything turns to black. I can't even see a single thing. I tried to reach for the door knob even though i cant see it. When i touched the door knob, I opened the door and went out from my room.I was really scared that time because when you are in a really dark room and there's no one in that room you can feel that something is there behind you, looking at you and then there comes the goosebumps. So, i shouted like crazy. I went down the stairs and went to my grandparent's room. My mom went to sun plaza with my dad, my two brothers and my auntie. What can i do? so, i asked my nanny to turn on the gen set and i stayed at my grandparent's room . Watching the stupid mandarin drama. I thanked GOD for letting the PLN ( the one who controls medan's electricity) know how much important AC and TV and COMPUTER and all the electronic stuff meant to us.
okay for now
byeeee guys
enjoy your night!!
love, cynnlovesgod

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