Friday, November 18, 2011

freaked to death.

Sa, this stupidest-hatest-annoying-est-moron-est-freakiest-ugliest-thing that every student dislike. Except for morons. Ughh. So this stupidest-hatest-annoying-est-moron-est-freakiest-ugliest-thing that every student dislike except for morons exam is coming. Well, secondary life is totally different from primary life. I prefer my primary life, but i need to accept the truth now, being a secondary student. Being a secondary student is not as fun as what i think when i was in primary, i thought that secondary is fun, tucked out shirts, more subjects, more teachers. But to tell you the truth, secondary life sucks. alot. except for, more new friends, and i love my class, classmates, teachers. Had my oral exam last friday and it was the fun-est oral exam ever. nervous though. When i went in to the oral examination room for english, yeahh, i saw mr.justin and ms.rachel sitting down there, both of them staring at me, then i greet them and started my speech. *emm* I stopped halfway and forgot the rest of the speech. then i remembered again and continued. Then answered their questions and went out of the room, with my hands full of sweat. After finished with the three topics, mandarin, english and bahasa indonesia, i went to the preparation room 2 directly.X_X. Written exams, 28 November. First exam: geography. I'm really bored right now.
will be sleeping at my cousin's house today. yipeee. My brother will arrive at medan tomorrow 
Click,,clickk, watchhhh:
my cousin told me about him.
bye guyss
love, cynthiani

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