Sunday, November 27, 2011

boring sunday

well, well, well , as usual, sunday is the boring-est day from the week. You don't have anything to do. No tuition, no school, no plaza, no books, only computer and TV. Can you survive without computers and tvs? i bet no. I sometimes say that school is annoying but i don't agree with my own opinion now. Even though school may be really boring at times, i miss school now, well, not my school, my friends. We will be having Sa1 this tuesday, which sucks a lot. And the subject is IT, Information Technology. And the next SA will be Math. Oh goshh. I am planning to do another video but my mom didn't allow me since SA is approaching. So maybe next next next week. Watching Spongebob Squarepants right now. I know this cartoon is for kids, but i love watching spongebob. joke joke. Will be going to have dinner with my family soon. 
took this picture at school, long long time ago
it's kinda funny. XD

okay then
love, cynthianimarpohno.

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