Tuesday, January 24, 2012


So, hey readers!
Long time no post, as in seriously, so long.
So, im in Bangkok right now and it's why i'm not posting for a long time.
There's no internet connection in Chiang Rai, but there is internet connection here in Chiang Mai. I enjoy my stay here so much. There are a lot of historical place here in Bangkok, and temples. A lot of temples. And about the The one that got away music video that im working with, i don't know what the hell happened. i uploaded it twice already, but they sent me an email stating that i can't popst that video because it is somehow connected with the policy thingy. So, im going home at 26 January. And, back to medan. bleghh.

 okay then, byee

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The One That Got Away

Hey, so it's been a long time for me, to write something at this blog. So, i miss you guys. I've not browse the internet for like a week. And i made a record. Well, not a record. haha. By the way, i made a new video. The one that got away by Katy Perry. I love that song so much. And i still can't believe that Katy perry and Russell Brand have divorced. It's a really sad thing to know. And i really hope that the both of them can always stay for like forever after like the movies in disney. they always have a happy ending. if you dont believe me, come on, check these stories and see if they have a happy ending or not:
Snow white
Sleeping Beauty
Beauty and the beast
Alice in the Wonderland
Peter Pan
Lady and the Tramp
101 Dalmatians
Robin Hood
The Black Cauldron
The Little Mermaid
The Lion King
Lilo and Stitch
Okay, so enough with this Disney movie sort of thing, so, the video i made was just usual, i didn't change my shirt for like 5 times like i did in the first video i got. Well in this video i changed my shirt for like, umm, maybe thrice. Correct me if im wrong, for the ones who have seen my video. but no, nobody saw it, except for my cousin, brother and mom.
so, i love school, and i thought that school's gonna be boring, but hell no, it's not.
EXCEPT for mandarin class today. Because Mr.Zhai got mad for no reason. really, he got mad for no reason. Yea, it sounds weird, he got mad for no reason. so, we laughed a lot today at school.
So, im uploading the video of The One That Got Away right now, and i need to wait for 4 hours. So, i wish myself luck.
If i'm done uploading it, i'm gonna post it hereee

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


First time for me, myself blog through this freaking iPod. So, I'm at my cousin's house right now and their connection is good. Just like usual, my grandpa's back from his operation. Actually not really my grandpa. He is my cousin's grandpa. But our family is super close and we got real tight bonds so I also call him as 'grandpa'. XD I really love my family. And cousins . And I'm so happy right now, because we get to hang out together. Agh, how fun. I hope you guys are cool with your family and there's no problems which is a major problem since fights and problems can cause to no family connection, strong bonds to break. And that's a really sad thing. Even to say it, it's a real sad thing. Seriously, I'm about to cry now. Joke. Jahahaha. And so, couple of stOries to share to you guys. I am not having fun with this year's new year celebration. Because unlike last year's celebration, ahhhhhhh, I miss it so terribly much. Like seriously, because last year's celebration, our family get to gather and this year we didn't get to. Grandpa got an operation. Another grandpa got stroke. Yea, that's really sad. But I'm so happy that my grandpa was healthy. Hehe:). Btw, I'm goin to watch Sherlock Holmes today with my cousins. Yippee. Okay then Byeeee Love,cynthiani No picture for today :(


Went to Pieter Lim today at 9 a.m. Pieter Lim came at 9.30 a.m. That means that i have waited for 30 minutes, and i can't believe it. Lol. So, today had my haircut, and i'm not sure if i liked it, even though i was the one who chose this hairstyle. bahaha. freaky hair. By the way, today is boring. Nothing extra out of the ordinary happened. I'm just super bored right now. As in really bored. Most of my friends are out, enjoying their holiday, swimming, shopping. Ohh, how fun. Most of them were out to Kuala Lumpur. That place is fun, i've been there several times.
i don't know what to say
so, bye


Tuesday, December 27, 2011


So, Aloha peopleee, i'm not blogging for a long time, because it's howleyday, and i spend most of my hours sleeping, and going out, shopping. Holiday is un-fun, like seriously, so un-fun, i have nothing to do, because my trip to Chiang Mai, will be in the 16 of January, and i need to wait, wait, wait, until the time comes. So, for the ones who are in a good, fun, nice, holiday, good for you, and I hope that you are having a really nice time. Well, I am sure, you guys are not hoping to be in this kind of situation, where, you wake up at 10.30 a.m. and eat your breakfast at 11.00 a.m. lunch at 2.00. p.m. go to the only comfortable plaza in Medan, sunplaza at 3.00. p.m. and go home at 9.00 p.m. then you watch tv, and sleep. I woke up at 10.30 this morning, i felt lousy, lazy, whatever, sick, bored, uncomfortable. I don't know how to explain that feeling, it's totally mixed up. You won't like it.

By the way, at the 9th of January, SHKOOL, haha, boringg!! Homeworks again, books, i hate it. But i'll be skipping 2 or maybe 3 days, so, thank you Chiang Mai. it's the time when everyone prepares for the Chinese New Year celebration, and i will be enjoying my days in Chiang Mai. Yeehaaa. haha, i'm too happy.

I have been changing the colour of my nail polish for like 3 times, because i love to peel off nail polish from my nails. It's insane. I miss my friends a lot, a lottttttttttt. I miss those moments when we joke around together, play together, gahhh, seriously, i'm not lying.

And like seriously, BlackBerry is not helping you to escape from your Boredom-ness, because the only positive part of BlackBerry is BBM, it's when you get to chat with another person who owns a BlackBerry, yeahh, i'm sure you guys, know what BBM is. heheXD.

I have no idea, to what i am going to talk about, so, I'm sure all of you knows Austin Mahone, the Justin Bieber-copycat-er, I'm not saying that i hate him, i just dislike him, because you know, Rebeib Nitsuj, is a lot better, than Austin Mahone. Rebeib Nitsuj, is Justin Bieber spelled backwards. But BRUNO MARS, is the best. goshh, Bruno Mars is so cool, and he's the world's most charming man.
I'm serious. he may not look handsome, but he's charming, adorable, amazing, awesome, he's perfect. I'm so in love with Bruno Mars. Maybe, some people don't like him, but, for me, you're the best. The Best One Ever (Sing it, in the tune of The Best Day Ever, By Spongebob Squarepants).

Talking about Spongebob, believe it or not, i love Spongebob. Maybe there are even 95 year-old grandmas or grandpa spongebob fans. Nothing's Impossible. Really, nothing's impossible. If you want to run 1000 miles, non-stop, you can, but there's a hundred percent of possibility that you are going to die, believe. If you want to carry stones which weigh a ton, in a 5 mile journey, you can, but keep this in mind, you wouldn't survive, even in the first metre. lol
some pictures of spongebob:

So, goodnighttXD readers
going to sleep now
love, cynthiani <3

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

hey people!!
Today is amazing, shopped a lot. And for sure, today is super awesome.
This will be a not short not long post, but not like selina's one post because her one post is like 'i don't know how to describe it' it's super duper long. Because simply, she's amazing. Like, come on dude, who doesn't know selina irwan? if you guys don't know her, well, you're not awesome, just kidding. The most popular girl in school, lots of guys running after her. no offense sel, but it's super true. Go on, check this out--->sel's blog
it's selina's blog. Ok, back to the topic. It's Christmas! You guys should be really happy, even though i'm not christian, i still love christmas. Christmas is amazing, butttttt, it's not fun here. I told you guys about it, in the last 2 posts, about christmas in indonesiaa. arghhh, i just dont want to talk about it. I just want to enjoy my day. yihaaa. So, Christmas is the best celebration of the year, it's when your family gathers together and have dinner together, it's when you meet your long lost cousins and family members who lives in another country, it's when you greet your beloved ones, when you greet you friends and best friends, it's the time to forgive, apologize, and to love. You don't need to have a big-mega-christmas-party at your house if you don't feel the christmas joy, and spirit. I would rather have a small party and have lots and lots of fun. ahhh. My father is a Buddhist, my mom, a christian, my grandma, a buddhist, my grandpa, a christian. Well, confusing, complicated, the two best words to describe my family's religion. Hey, btw, i watched 'Judy Moody and the not bummer summer' movie. It was amazing. I also watched the movie 'Bringing Ashley Home' and my favourite 'New Girl'. I just love the movie 'new girl' super duper uber mega much. That sentence 'super super uber mega much' is so Judy Moody. I don't know, but, i'm so in love with all these movies that i'm watching. okay! it's 12.01, i'm late by 1 minute, btw, MERRY CHRISTMAS PEOPLEEEE!!
it's officially christmas! 2012 is coming!

@oriana, sorry for the late reply, i saved the crumpled paper picture first and edited the rest on picnik.
ok then people
it's christmas! haha, can't stop saying it. i'm just so happy.
to all my friends, family, and everyone around the world,  i love you guys!
and, i love you santa<3