Tuesday, January 3, 2012


First time for me, myself blog through this freaking iPod. So, I'm at my cousin's house right now and their connection is good. Just like usual, my grandpa's back from his operation. Actually not really my grandpa. He is my cousin's grandpa. But our family is super close and we got real tight bonds so I also call him as 'grandpa'. XD I really love my family. And cousins . And I'm so happy right now, because we get to hang out together. Agh, how fun. I hope you guys are cool with your family and there's no problems which is a major problem since fights and problems can cause to no family connection, strong bonds to break. And that's a really sad thing. Even to say it, it's a real sad thing. Seriously, I'm about to cry now. Joke. Jahahaha. And so, couple of stOries to share to you guys. I am not having fun with this year's new year celebration. Because unlike last year's celebration, ahhhhhhh, I miss it so terribly much. Like seriously, because last year's celebration, our family get to gather and this year we didn't get to. Grandpa got an operation. Another grandpa got stroke. Yea, that's really sad. But I'm so happy that my grandpa was healthy. Hehe:). Btw, I'm goin to watch Sherlock Holmes today with my cousins. Yippee. Okay then Byeeee Love,cynthiani No picture for today :(

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