Thursday, December 8, 2011


No idea what to write today. Had tons of fun with friends at school today.  And, I'm in heaven right now, no longer in hell. yipee. Thank GOD. And, it's the end of SA1 people, i am super duper happy. Really really happy. Oh my god, i'm so happy, happy happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, crazy. Well, I don't know what to say right now. *krikrikrikrikrikrikrik* Total silence. WIll be going out with friends tomorrow. Yipee. Stressed right now, pissed off, i want to shout out loud and just start my life from the very beginning, no fights, no exams. I want to be free, not to be involved in any fights. Just to tell you one thing people, a lot of drama in Secondary 1. Not to tease anyone or to hurt anybody's feelings. Just want to have a peaceful life and get high scores in every subject. But i know that it is impossible. I don't know what to do right now, okay then guys
Don't know my feeling right now, hahaXD
okay thenn
be happy
stay happy
always be happy
i'm crazy
no i'm not
yes, i am
which one?
i don't know
no, i'm not crazy
i wanna be happy
love, cynthiani

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