Wednesday, December 14, 2011

hit the lights, baby.

So, SA, gone, December Concert, approaching, so, lets be prepared to dance in front of hundreds of people. Went to Sun Plaza today, and bought clothes for this coming friday, DECEMBAAA CONCHERT. I was sick today, didn't feel comfortable at all, i feel sleepy, wanna puke, my eyes trying to stay awake, just so uncomfortable. Btw, Thanks ANNISAAA, and this headache is not because of you,  it's my fault. :) I bought the same shirt with Shella, and the others chose a different one. Well, I prefer mine though. Not to insult, or whatever, it's my opinion. hahahaha;D Dress rehearsal and Class party is tomorrow!!! I didn't post a lot of posts these days, too busy with december concert. And i'm not even prepared, i'm not in a good condition. I don't feel good, don't feel great, don't feel happy, don't feel sad, but really stressed. Do you know that we are not even done with our D-A-N-C-E? It's true, we're not done yet. pray for us, wish me luck.
Took pictures.
this is oriana


morine says : hii!

hahaha, edward kie, alfred, joan, justin

okay then, bye guys
love, cynthiani

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