Thursday, November 24, 2011

U Smile, I Smile

Well, yeahh, the title is somehow not gonna connect with the post i will write today. I can't think of one. gahahaXD. Okay, so, school was just usual, practise dance steps with friends, and nobody is listening to you,  long tests, sa 1 approaching, Practical exams. Gushh. By the way, school was fun last friday, except when Ms.Dudu got mad at us. I don't know how to make Ms. Dodee happy. I just wish she could stay happy and be in a good mood for like *ermmm* a day. But it would be better if she's happy forever. Anddd, she got mad at us every single day of our lives. And if you check in every single person in Sec 1-Integrity's calendar, there's no word peaceful in there.
    Oh yeah, I just remembered, about my Maths longtest, I got a really low score. 26 out of 50. I can't believe that i got 26. But hell yeah, i need to accept the truth. Morine cried, and it's the first time for me to see her cry. I guess she'll get mad at me when she knows that i am writing about her crying right now, in my blog.
    We had a review class for history on thursday and watched the basketball match. But when we arrived at the field, nothing is going on. Only the Wolfpack players warming up. So, the girls decided to take pictures using Annisa's camera.
this was the picture i love the most. Annisa was not included because she was the one who took the picture. We'll be having our SA this tuesday. gushh.
okay then 
good night peoplee
love, cynthiani

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